
How To Make Stickers With Parchment Paper

Here's how to make your own stickers at abode and keep your child busy for at least 5 minutes!

We are officially into our first week of summertime break. I idea most titling this post, "How to make your own stickers and keep your child from bothering you for at least v minutes. " Ha! If yous are in desperate demand of craft ideas this summer, this i is simple and mess-complimentary. Here'due south how to make your own stickers at dwelling house with your kids.


Thanks to my friend, Sunny for sharing this nifty thought with us a few weeks ago. It's a neat craft for kids of all ages. You volition take to help younger children with the cutting portion and ripping off the tape. I don't enjoy kids' crafts but I actually dearest this ane because information technology's relatively mess-gratuitous and in that location's no glue or glitter involved. Practice not get me started on glitter. That junk is the devil!


Here's how to make your own stickers with but 4 items.


  • packing record
  • parchment paper
  • paper for your images
  • scissors


Become a sail of parchment paper and lay it on a flat surface. Rip off a long piece of packing tape and place the sticky side on acme of the parchment newspaper. The parchment paper becomes the bankroll for the sticker.


Print out a canvass of online images. Just google "sticker images" or "vsco sticker images."


Yous'll observe sheets of images yous tin can easily print.


Then, cut effectually the images or fonts and place them on pinnacle of the parchment paper and packing record.


At present, add together some other strip of packing tape on top of those images that are on top of the first strip of packing tape. The order is parchment newspaper, packing tape, sticker images, packing tape.


Keeping the layers together, cut around each prototype. Make certain you exit a little surrounding area effectually each prototype.


Little hands beloved to help! Allow them!


See how like shooting fish in a barrel it was! Peel off the parchment paper when you're ready to stick them anywhere. Emmy had fun giving my iPad cover a lilliputian sticker makeover.


The older kids placed images all over their Chromebooks. Beautiful correct? They peel off easily likewise.


Emmy will sit and piece of work on these for at to the lowest degree an hour. I'll confess that I easily got hooked on making them also.

If I think of any other arts and crafts ideas, I'll be sure to share them. If y'all've never washed marshmallow Olympics, you demand to play these games with your kids. They are so much fun!

Happy crafting!


Let all that you do be washed in Love. 1 Corinthians sixteen:14

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