
How To Make A Dildo

How To Make A DIY Vagina

-Lays/Pringles Can -Foam rubber -Condom -1 1/4'' o-ring -Scissors -Marker        
Procedure:      Empty the chips out of the can. You can use whatever brand       and flavor you prefer, but we like the one shown here for the      container�s ergonomic shape and durable, colorful plastic. Lay       out the foam and trim to fit the length of the container if       necessary. The length of the foam can be up to an inch longer       than the length of the can.        
          Unroll the condom and drop the O-ring inside. If you use a       lubricated condom, turn it inside out first, so the lube is on the       inner surface.        
          Lay the condom along the foam with the open end slightly above the      edge, and mark across where the O-ring lays in the condom. Cut the      foam into two pieces along this line.                    
            Roll up the smaller piece of foam and push it into the bottom of the      can. Lay the condom against the shorter edge of the other piece of      foam so that the tip and the O-ring are hanging over one end and the      open top of the condom is hanging over the other. Roll up the foam      with the condom inside. The O-ring should be flat against one end of      the foam roll, and the top of the condom should be sticking out of      the center of the other end. (/pre>                        
              With the scissors, make a nick in the tip of the condom, just enough      so some air can get through. Insert the foam roll into the chip      container, making sure the open end of the condom stays above the      top of the foam. Leave about 1/2" ro an inch of foam above the rim       of the can.            
              Use a nail or screwdriver to poke a small hole on the side of the      can near the bottom.            
              Optional: If desired, use a pink or red marker to draw a vagina or      lips on the foam around the center hole before covering the foam      with the condom.                            Carefully stretch the condom around the rim of the can and over the      lip so it covers the foam. The lip of the can will hold the condom      in place.                            To use your homemade flashlight toy, squirt some water-based,      non-greasy lube into the condom and insert your penis. Cover the      hole in the can with the tip of your finger to control the amount       of suction you get. Closing the hole will increase the suction, so      leave it open as you stroke in, and cover it on the out stroke.            

How To Make A Dildo


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